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Laurel Kirchhoff

Digital NHD Resources

Not sure where to start with a hybrid or online National History Day program for students? I wasn't either. I was asked to present on EdTech Tools for Teachers and NHD when I realized...I need to make this accessible for ALL students online. Of course, this was two nights before my presentation for a state NHD program and would require me to make something from scratch.

I called a good friend in the hopes that she would talk me out of trying to create something at the last minute. My hopes were promptly dashed when she agreed that in fact, is WAS a good idea to create a student facing NHD Digital Notebook to share with teachers. I began to work on it and found that it was so much fun to create! The idea quickly formed that I wouldn't make a complete notebook, but rather one that teachers could use as a model for their own students (complete with teacher "pro-tips" on where to increase accessibility).

"Digital Notebooking" is not a new concept, nor did I invent it. I do, however, find that it is extremely helpful for students (and their parents/guardians/caretakers) to have the "one stop shopping" of a digital notebook. Not only can it house multi-media information in an organized format, it can also provide clear examples and answer questions before they start. There are several iterations and ideas for how to use digital notebooking in a classroom setting, teachers can create and use them for how it will best serve their students. You can read more about digital notebooking in this article from

I am happy to share this student NHD Digital Notebook with you! Please know that this is available under my creative commons license. I highly encourage NHD teachers to use this as a model and make their own that will best serve their needs, their student's needs and how they plan on implementing NHD in their classrooms.

You can access the published slides here. (Email me if you would like your own copy)

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